Birthstone Birthstene Jewelry

Birthstone Birthstene Jewelry

Yessss, our Birthstone jewelry is inside! We are super happy with this beautiful addition to our jewelry collection! The birthstone jewelry is super popular and we understand that!
The collection consists of rings and bracelets in gold or silver color of steel with its own color for each (birth) month.
Wear the jewelry that fits your month or that of your Loved Ones & Stay Connected.

Each month has its own stone. To help you on your way, we have listed the colors that belong to the month for you. This way you will find your specific birthstone, or that of your friend, sister, mother or child of course. Or of course you match them.

In addition to being able to wear it yourself, this is of course also a fantastic beautiful item to give as a gift! A wonderful gift for a new mother with baby or a friend. A nice personal gift!

Our collection consists of rings and bracelets. You can choose gold or silver. The rings are adjustable and so suitable for every finger and size. The bracelets have an extension chain and therefore also adjustable.
What is also very nice is that the jewelry is made of Stainless Steel, making it nicely portable!

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