Blog – Lekker Local

Blog – Lekker Local


Door: Britt

Renesse, Middelburg, Goes, Veere all famous places and they are all very beautiful, and they are all Zeeland!

And yes … whether you are a real Zeeland, just love Zeeland or, as it is sometimes said here, are an import zeeuw. A memory of Zeeland is of course great fun!

And that is precisely why we all designed beautiful new products for you, for example a beautiful new bag, or beautiful earrings, or totally different, we have it all and we have done our best on every piece of jewelry.
And how beautiful they have become (of course we think that everything we are working on)

And yes…. All these things must of course be tested, we still have a heavy life.

Zeeland Silver Switch Bracelet Zeeuwse button Stainless Steel

For example, the bags are made of a wonderfully soft leather, super tasty! And the jewelry of really 925 silver! Because of this you always have very good quality for a not too high price.
We always do our utmost to develop the best products for you and to purchase the best products. We hope that you will love all our beautiful things as we do!

So whether at Zeeland you think of that wild holiday in Renesse when you were 16, that quiet cycling holiday through the beautiful Zeeland, the beautiful beaches or perhaps Concert at Sea.
A nice memory of Zeeland remains fun, and through this jewelry you can do that ideal!