The switch bracelet: back!

The switch bracelet: back!

You may still know it, the classic switch bracelet that you used to see with your grandmother or mother. This is completely back and a true trend! You really can't ignore it this season, so we see this trend in almost all our Jewelry brands. They come in different shapes and sizes: large, coarse, subtle and small. Sometimes with charms or classic without fuss. Are you also a fan of this trend? View all switch bracelets here.

Bracelets are a real one must have In your jewelry collection! With a blouse or dress our wrists are often visible and your bracelet can stand out. They can also be combined endlessly with other bracelets from, for example: Biba, saw Bijoux and Go Dutch.

Of course we have the switch bracelets in gold and silver, There is something for everyone. Discover what suits you now!

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